CALL FOR PAPERS! Submit your abstract for the 2025 DFMA Forum. Deadline: April 17, 2025.
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Boothroyd Dewhurst has developed the DFMA® Core Training course to cover the basic requirements needed to successfully analyze product designs using the Boothroyd Dewhurst methodology. Using BDI’s Design for Manufacture and Assembly software, emphasis is placed on using the DFMA® design philosophy in the design and redesign process.  Hands on time with the software tools is maximized in this course.


Day One

  • Introduction to DFMA®.
  • DFA questions and the minimum part criteria.
  • Sample hand calculation of a small assembly.
  • Analysis of a small assembly using DFA software.
  • Lunch.
  • Review software output.
  • Redesign analysis of the sample assembly.
  • Investigation of the Item library.
  • Investigation of the Operation library.

Day Two

  • Introduction to DFM Concurrent Costing.
  • DFM Concurrent Costing software example.
  • Using the Geometry Calculator.
  • Using CAD with DFM Concurrent Costing.
  • Lunch.
  • Investigation of the Material library.
  • Investigation of the Operation and Machine libraries.
  • Sample analysis.
  • A review of the charting and reporting options available in the software.
  • How DFM and DFA work together to develop "total cost".

As a result of this DFMA® training class, the user will have developed the following skills:

  • A functional understanding of the DFA software.
  • An understanding of the minimum part criteria in DFA.
  • How to use DFA to simplify product structures, reduce costs and improve product quality.
  • A clear understanding of handling and insertion difficulties, part symmetries and how they affect DFA times.
  • How to perform a DFM Concurrent Costing analysis.
  • How to use CAD with DFM Concurrent Costing.
  • An understanding of the piece part and tooling costs generated by the software.
  • How the Material, Operation and Machine libraries work and how to edit them.
  • How DFM and DFA work together.
  • How to review the different charts and reports available in the software.

For more details or to schedule a training class, please contact us.



DFMA® Software and Services | Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.