CALL FOR PAPERS! Submit your abstract for the 2025 DFMA Forum. Deadline: April 17, 2025.
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2013 International Forum
on Design for Manufacture and Assembly

June 13-14, 2013, Providence-Warwick, Rhode Island

Cost Estimating - What is it ?  How do you do it?  What can it do for you?
David Meeker
Neoteric Product Development

Paper  Presentation

Impacting the Bottom Line
Kevin Kent

Paper  Presentation

Measuring the Financial Benefits of DFMA Using the Lean Accounting Box Score
Nick Katko
BMA Inc.

Paper  Presentation

Gaining Cost Cognizance
Matthew Loew
Joy Global

A Dynisco Case Study: From DFMA Implementation Plan to Results
Matthew Miles, Surinder Sood, Joel Neri

Paper  Presentation

DFMA Methodology, Support for a Winning Whirlpool Business Case
Michelle Shatrau

Paper  Presentation

Modular Design: A Path to Rapid Customer Response
Kevin Dailida

Paper  Presentation

The DFMA Project
Mike Shipulski, Chris Tsai, and Nick Dewhurst

Product Development Practices In The Manufacturing Sector: 2010-2020
Bradford L Goldense
Goldense Group, Inc.

Paper  Presentation

DFMA and Product Design: Less is More
David M. Vranson
ITT Aerospace Controls

Paper  Presentation

Mitigating Business Risks: Proactive Environmental Compliance
George Valaitis
AB Sciex

Paper  Presentation

Application of DFMA concept to evaluate the tooling costs for carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites compression moulding processes
Mohamed El wazziki , Anh Dung NGO
Laboratoire de fabrication et de caracterisation de materiaux composites, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ecole de technologie superieure

Paper  Presentation

Function Analysis and the Functional Performance Specification to Define Clients' Needs and Develop the Best Value
Lucie Parrot

Paper  Presentation

Hand-Calculated Savings: Case studies in the application of a simplified Boothroyd-Dewhurst methodology in the design and manufacture of complex assemblies
Bradford Range
Acorn Product Development

Paper  Presentation





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